Suitcase with TechEx Bound note on it November 8, 2024 | ISSUE #26 | 4 min Read

Preparing for TechEx 2024!

Many members of SCG Collaboration Group will be gathering next week at Internet 2’s Technology Exchange in Boston. We hope to see you there!

Below is a listing of TechEx sessions involving COmanage that we are particularly excited about.

See also the latest COmanage News: Nov 2024


Don’t miss these COmanage-related sessions during Technology Exchange this December:

Drinking our own Champagne: How Internet2 itself is leveraging and improving the Trusted Access Platform

TUESDAY, Dec 10 9:00 AM | Add to calendar

In 2017, Internet2 implemented the InCommon Trusted Access Platform components, COmanage, Grouper, Shibboleth. Midpoint added to production in 2021. These components encompass the Internet2 Identity & Access Management platform, which enables the community to access resources and tools seamlessly using institutional, social, and guest logins. This platform has evolved iteratively since its deployment, with many lessons learned and with Internet2 providing feedback to the component architects to enhance and improve integration of the systems these tools support, including additional development work with Catalyst partners to fill needed gaps. Join us for a brief presentation on the history of the platform followed by a panel discussion of highlights of the features, improvements, and lessons learned as we ventured on a path to “drink our own champagne”.

COmanage Open Office Hours LIVE!

TUESDAY, Dec 10, 12:10 PM | Add to calendar

Each month, the COmanage project hosts Open Office Hours. This is a loosely structured, open forum for questions, discussion, and peer sharing among those using or interested in COmanage Registry and/or Match. A short conversation starter (Topic Aperitif) kicks off each session to help get the discussion started.

Supporting Science at Scale: CILogon Hosted COmanage for ACCESS

WEDNESDAY, Dec 11, 11:20 PM | Add to calendar

In 2022, NSF funded the Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services and Support (ACCESS) collaboration to transition from XSEDE in providing cyberinfrastructure for researchers to share computing resources around HPC, HTC, Visualization, Storage, and Data Sources. This presented an immediate challenge in managing credentials for 100,000 registered users with over 30 years of history.

To meet this challenge, and to lay the groundwork for ongoing identity management processes, ACCESS partnered with CILogon to deploy a hosted COmanage Registry instance. Leveraging existing COmanage capabilities such as bulk import, duplicate detection, enrollment flows, identity linking, and credential management, this instance also leverages custom plugins to provide additional ACCESS-specific functionality. SSO across ACCESS sites (including COmanage) is provided by CILogon’s OIDC service.

While this project supports research identity management, many themes of this work apply to enterprise identity management as well. This session will discuss how COmanage Registry and CILogon services were deployed to meet ACCESS requirements for federated identity and identity management at scale, including migration of data from legacy systems, challenges around user education, how this work may influence future product development, and what future capabilities may be deployed to further support ACCESS.

Enterprise Case Studies

WEDNESDAY, December 11, 1:40 2:40 PM NEW TIME! | Add to calendar

In this session, we’ll delve into case studies from Wake Forest University (WFU) and Southern Methodist University (SMU), demonstrating how they utilized COmanage Registry and Match. We’ll explore how these tools addressed broader project objectives, the journey from tool selection to implementation, and valuable insights gained.

Case Studies:

WFU faced a challenge during a recent SIS migration. They required a tool to manage the registry and matching functions previously covered by Banner but not by Workday. Their solution? COmanage Registry. It facilitated the assignment of university ID numbers and unique usernames for all campus systems. To handle duplicates, they used COmanage Match, allowing their admissions staff to identify and match new applicants from Slate with existing individuals in the Wake Forest population.

  1. Self-service registration for Continuing and Professional Education (CAPE) at Southern Methodist University

While updating CAPE’s registration processes, SMU needed to assign NetIDs to their guest population and manage information provisioning for student registration and learning systems access. The tool that rose to the task? COmanage Registry.

In addition to these launched projects, we’ll also discuss future plans for utilizing these tools.